A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Dear Mr . Weisman
My name is James kastner Iâm from Baldwin New York Long Island itâs truly a huge honor to writing to you sir . I have been a huge fan of your work for a long time and I have been looking forward to reaching out to you but I couldnât not since the last time I tried your website s8.org you didnât respond back to me . Can I tell you my personal opinion is you and Duane capizzi should definitely with out a doubt should have your own net worths and earn your place in celebrity net worthâs .
1.) Will spectacular Spider-Man ever make a comeback I know you said it is unlikely but can Sony work something out with Disney and can you tell Disney how much the show means so much to us can you tell them to find a solution with Sony .
2.) is the silver sable in spectacular Spider-Man they same age as black cat ?
3.) Will electro Molton man Jonah Jameson son and Eddie Brock get the help they need ?
4.) Will spectacular Spider-Man face a lot of new villains both from the comics and old shows and meet other heroâs ?
5.) will every single person close to Peter learn his secret ? And will Norman Osborn become the green goblin king and form the goblin nation ?
6.) does Norman Osborn love his wife son and what is his deal with not apologies any way ?
7 .) how would love films with spectacular Spider-Man with crossovers I was thinking of spectacular Spider-Man with the Batman from the 2004tv series and you can work with Duane capizzi . And crossover with Kim possible tmnt 2003 and Spider-Man the animated tv series from the 90s and 2017spiderman tvseries how is those ideas sound ?
Looking forward to be hearing from you