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Anonymous writes...

TRUE OR FALSE: Earth-16 Spectre

#1. The Spectre is a divine entity representing vengeance on behalf of The Presence (who is considered to be God in the context of Abrahamic religion).

#2. The Spectre was initially a demon named Aztar; he rebelled against God but later sought forgiveness and was granted a divine role.

#3. The Spectre is normally bound to a human host who assists him in judging the transgressions of humanity and other beings, determining suitable punishments; these judgments are often delivered in a harsh and creatively ironic manner.

#4. The primary host of the Spectre is usually James "Jim" Corrigan, a Gotham City detective.

#5. Another possible host of the Spectre is Crispus Allen, another Gotham detective; even though this man has doubts about God's existence.