A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Unintentionally Unsympathetic
1) Few people are shedding tears for Silas Stone after Victor lashed out at him for turning him into a cyborg with the Father Box. From what we see of his relationship with his son, he's shown to be pretty apathetic and distant to the point he barely knows anything about Victor's school life (for reference, he chastises Victor for not doing well enough at school when he has a 4.0 GPA). And although we can forgive him for turning Victor into a cyborg out of desperation, he loses sympathy points when he instead tries to pin the blame on the Justice League for Victor's condition since they gave him the Father Box, even though the League warned him of its dangers.
2) M'gann may enter this territory in "Nevermore." She attempts to give back her engagement ring to Conner, heartbroken that he still can't forgive her for how she abused her powers in the past, while Conner immediately declares otherwise and they happily reconcile. Only problem with that is in just the prior episode she abused her powers to deceive Artemis by letting her believe she was communicating with Wally's spirit when it was really just a construct created by M'gann from Artemis' own mind. Conner, of course, doesn't know this but it's difficult to imagine he wouldn't regard the plan with similar distain when he considers her lying to everyone to be little different than her abusing her powers, and her actions in "Overwhelmed" are her abusing her powers again. Thus M'gann can be seen as receiving forgiveness even while she continues her previous behavior, only this time sucessfully keeping it hidden from Conner.
3) Black Lightning, the show treats him as a more moral and honest counterpart to characters such as Batman who work covertly with secrets, but many fans found him to be a hypocrite since he engages in many of the same things for the majority of the season, such as joining Nightwing's covert team after calling out Batman for making one, and only seems to have a problem with secrets when they're being kept from him, by the end of the season when Jefferson becomes leader of the Justice League many fans feel it was unearned due to his previous actions and behavior.
4) Don't get me start with Garfield/Beast Boy and his behavior during the events of Young Justice Phantoms.
I don't know if you're ever gonna make a Season 5 or more Seasons for Young Justice, but if you do then you better find a way to make up for all this shown above. Okay please?