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Gabriel writes...

Hi, I love the expansion of Martian lore and culture that your series did in season 4. I would like to know more about this topic.

Are there a equivalent to schools in M'arzz? If they exist, does they have specific classes for learning how to use their species natural abilities like the telepathy and shape-shifting?

We know that J'onn used to be a M'hontrr, but does M'Gann count as a M'hontrr since she was trained by one of the greatest M'hontrrs in martian history? Independent of the answer, are the A'ashenn allowed to be M'hontrr? If they are, does they face prejudice by the G'arrunn members in the force?

It has been stated that martians breeds large families, so, is it safe to assume that prince J'emm has at least some siblings?

Since M'Gann's bio-ship was originally promised to her uncle, can we say that the bio-ships are a symbol of high status in martian society? Also, are bio-ships rare? If they are, does M'arzz has laws about connecting with them?