A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Mr. Weisman,
1. You said that, in the Earth-16 universe, one of Alfred's greatest regrets is that he refrained from parenting Bruce; as such he treated Dick differently. Did he treated Jason Todd and Tim Drake (and presumably Cassandra Wu-San; since she moved to Wayne Manor after defecting from the League of Shadows) in a similar manner like he did with Dick?
2. When Lady Shiva damaged Orphan's vocal cords, was the damage permanent, or will the damage take a very long time to recover before Orphan will eventually be able to finally speak?
3. Since Cassandra Wu-San moved to Wayne Manor, did she technically become Bruce Wayne's fourth legal ward?
4. In the comics, Orphan's father is David Cain; who is one of the world's premier assassins, paid to eliminate some of the most famous and powerful people on the planet, no matter how seemingly impossible the task. However, since the Earth-16 version of Orphan has her mother's surname instead; I'm curious to know why the Earth-16 version of David Cain is not a part of Cassandra's life; even though he IS Cassandra's father. I mean, did Lady Shiva forbid David from seeing his own daughter, or was there another reason why David Cain hasn't been introduced in the Earth-16 universe yet?
5. In the Earth-16 universe, does Lady Shiva have an older sister named Carolyn Wu-San, an uncle named Shiruto, and a godfather named O-Sensei?