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The Phoenix Gate

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did Bane break Batman's back during the timeskip between Seasons 1 and 2?

2. Was the Joker responsible for the death of Robin II (Jason Todd); even if the Earth-16 version of the circumstances of Jason's death may not necessarily be the same as the events depicted in the main DC universe (Earth-0)?

3. How old is Julia Pennyworth in both the "Catwoman: Hunted" movie and (presumably) in the Earth-16 universe?

4. How old is Catwoman (Selina Kyle) in both the "Catwoman: Hunted" movie and (presumably) in the Earth-16 universe?

5. In current DC Comics continuity, the Dark Archer (Merlyn) is known as both Arthur King (which is his birth name) and Malcolm Merlyn (which is his legal name). Is this also true for the Earth-16 version of the character?

6. Assuming Earth-16 Jason Todd's personality was similar to that of his Earth-0 counterpart, which members of the Team (specifically, the ones who knew Jason up to the point of his tragic death) were particularly troubled by his dark and violent behavior?