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Unintentionally Unsympathetic: Gar's arc of dealing with depression, while realistic, grated many fans the wrong way for both sides.
On one hand, several character's reaction to Garfield's condition and attempts to help him come across as quite selfishly. While there are signs of care in their words, it focuses on their desire to have the friend and leader back over wanting him to genuinely recover, or just not taking time to understand his trauma. Only Robotman during the intervention showed completely selfless empathy. This in turn makes Gar's claim that he "can't handle being needed" justifiable.
On the other hand, Gar's own attitude towards people genuinely trying to help him comes off as excessively callous, with dismissal and rudeness towards Perdita, M'gann and Robotman being particular standouts. While many viewers understood where Gar was coming from, they pointed it was not an excuse to hurt others.
If you ever plan on making a Young Justice Season 5 at some point in the future I hope you'll find a way to make up for this somehow. Like perhaps both sides admitting how wrong they were and apologizing for it.