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Anonymous writes...

#1. Assuming he was NOT the first, exactly when did the Earth-16 version of Darkseid become the Lord of Apokolips, and how old was he (in terms of human biological equivalent years) when that happened?

#2. Was the Earth-16 version of Desaad originally born on New Genesis (like in the comics) or was he born on Apokolips?

#3. If the Earth-16 versions of Darkseid and Vandal Savage were to ever eventually fight each other directly in combat, who would most likely win and why?

#4. Is it possible that the year 2030 is when the final battle between Vandal Savage and Darkseid will occur, and that Superboy's role is most likely to put an end to the war once and for all on May 14th, 2030 at exactly midnight?