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Christopher writes...

Don't know when you'll get to this, but earlier you mentioned Amazons not aging physically while on Themyscira is a world-building rule for the Earth 16 continuity. I was wondering if you could give some clarification on this. Using Wonder Woman as an example with the dates you gave fans for the show, she was born in 1925 and was 16-years-old when she originally debuted as Wonder Woman ca. 1941. She then returns to Themyscira in 1946 (where she is presumably 21-years-old) and does not return to "Man's World" until 2001, where, assuming she didn't have a year-or-two sojourn back in Themyscira (which I won't even speculate on for this question since it would count as SPOILER territory), she would have continued to physically age and is now around 40-years-old (physically but not chronologically) in 2020 (which is I believe when Season 4 ended in the show's timeline).

So, my clarification is how the no-aging thing works since Wonder Woman clearly aged 16 years (presumably) before her first venture into Man's World ca. 1941.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.