A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hi, Greg! I'd like to start out by saying that I grew up on Spectacular Spider-Man. I was here years old when I came out, and it formulated so much of what I like in Spider-Man today, and it deeply depresses me to see what happened with the show, since it's one of my favorite shows of all time.
My question to you is: has there ever been consideration for completing the series in comic book format? Kind of like how Smallville had a Season 11 in the form of a comic book. I've thought of this for a while, but never gave it serious consideration knowing that some TV show runners just aren't trained in the ways of the comic industry, but I was recently surprised to know that you are very familiar with writing comics, and have actually done series for Gargoyles and Young Justice! I'm sure you are very busy with the "Spectacular Spider-Men" series that is ongoing, but to know if this had been in consideration might give me some closure. I would really appreciate your opinion, and I'm looking forward to seeing more stuff from you because of your talent!