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Anonymous writes...

You resently presented us with a listing of ages for the characters of the show. I noted that Angela is chronilogicaly 106 years younger than Goliath. I also noted that Gabriel and Opheila were 1 year younger that Angela. This leads me to the questions of...
1) How long does it take for Gargoyle eggs to hatch (Goliath was 56 when he was turned to stone by the Magus and Angela didnt hatch until 50 years after that.) I am sure that the extended time has to do with the Avalon time distortion scenario.
2)Do gargoyles have a set mating season like most animals do or are they more like humans in their reproduction.
3)If 2 is yes... How many eggs do they lay during one season.
4)If 2 is no...how often can they lay eggs.
Inquiring minds want to know. Or at least I do.

Greg responds...

1. It's been a long time since I did the Avalon math. But Gargoyle eggs typically take ten years to hatch.
2. Both.
3. One.
4. Once every twenty years.