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Anonymous writes...

Thank for a collection of wonderfully fanciful dramatic, and intelligently told stories. "Gargoyles" is a joy to watch, and a pleasure to follow.
Your comments on "Ask Greg" about directions you would have liked to have taken your characters has only whetted my appetite for more of your Gargoyles stories. I understand that there is a group of fans on the internet who have embarked on a project to write new "Gargoyle" stories following "The Journey" and ignoring the rest of the "Chronicles." They have called this the "Gargoyles Saga" and have said that the new stories will be written in the "style of Greg Weisman" with continuing character development and plot twists. (1) Tell me what you think about this endeavor, (2) Do you believe that this is appropriate (morally, legally)?, and (3) what would be your concerns about any impact on your future work if "Gargoyles" retruns to TV after the movie is released?

Greg responds...

1. I've answered this before in detail. Mostly I'm gratified, but I have mixed feelings.
2. I don't see any legal issues, since it's not-for-profit. I don't see any moral concerns either.
3. I'm not sure I understand the question. What kind of impact? It sounds like a good thing.