A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Dear Mr. Weisman,
First, simply, thank you for your continuing effort to revive the Gargoyles series and the attention you pay to its fans. as a stockholder of Disney, I send my proxy ballot in with "Bring back the Gargoyles" written under my vote. My annual write in for Goliath as board of directors has failed so far, but there is always next year.
I am preparing a poster presentation on the evolution of gargoyles (lower case "g")for the Gathering 2000 as an art display. Let me apologize for the assertion that gargoyles, due to anatomical features such as otic (ear) structure, mammae, hair, and others are in the Class Mammalia. The oviparous (egg laying) character places them with the Subclass Protheria (1 extant and 3 extinct orders). Their Order, Family, Genus and species classifications are yet to be determined. My audacity is based upon the excess of letters which follow my family name.
Now the questions
1) Should apterylus (without wings) gargoyles be considered parthenogenic (lays fertile, viable eggs without a mate)?
2) Proposed Genus and Species name: Diurnosominus lapidermis (stone skinned day sleeper). Apterylus lapidermic for Bronx. Sound OK?
Your delightful characters have also resulted in a few stories of my own, but let's not go there.
Uh, some of this is over my head, but...
As I've said before (see the Gargoyle Science Archive here at ASK GREG), Gargoyles aren't Mammals, though they share some traits in common. We've dubbed them Gargates. A whole other class. (Which frankly frees me to create them as I see fit.) Gargoyle Beasts are also gargates. Is that what you're referring to in your first question? Cause Bronx is a male, and would need to mate with the female Boudicca to have any offspring.
2. Uh, I guess it sounds OK, but I'm not going to accept it as canon without doing some research on my own.