A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Okay, so we all know that garg eggs are laid in even-decade-8 years (948, 1988, etc.) and hatch in odd-decade-8 years (998, 1958, etc.), and we all know that gargoyles age at about half the human rate, so that a 42-year-old garg is old enough to go to bars, but! what I want to know is at what approximate (human equivalent) level of development gargs hatch? The females lactate, so I'd guess most hatchlings don't start with teeth, but at a ten-year incubation period, it seems likely that garg hatchlings are more developed than human newborns. How much more, if any?
(By the way, this is my first post, and I read the whole Archive first. Aren't you proud of me? ;P)
I'm so proud. They hatch at what I'd describe as just post infant. They are strong enough to hold their own heads errect. But not much more advanced than that.