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ok... I'm back with my bio q's...
1) well, this first one is more related to the canonicity of their biology... as their reproductive rate was never actually defined in the series, is their reproductive cycle as you have described it set in stone (proverbially speaking), or is there some significant leeway for further development of the specifics, perhaps going so far as to allowing for a faster cycle, still slower than humans, but perhaps more dynamic, maybe along the lines of kangaroos, the females of which can store male genetic material for a number of years (advantageous if one's mate is killed, and substitutes are unavailable or otherwise unsuitable), and choose the best time for pregnancy?
oops... that might be more than 1 question... 8P
2) now for a directly pertinent q... do the eggs experience stone sleep between the laying and the hatching, and if so does it correspond to the adult cycle? given the garg 'rookery' behavior, stone sleep doesnt seem to be necessary, as the rookery is always guarded at night, and very few predators large enough to handle garg eggs (there arent many able to bust an ostrich egg, and gargs' are bigger still) would be able to get into a sealed rookery, given that gargs tend to block the entrances with _big_ rocks! even if the behavior dates back to the dinosaur era, when there were predators able to eat them, they would have been hard pressed to get into the kinds of spaces gargs have been shown to place the rookeries...
3) and this'll be my last for now... as to the gargate question... they had to have a lineage to branch from... is it unreasonable to think that they are, however long ago, branched from certain known dinosaur groups? perhaps they shared a common proto-garg/dinosaur ancestor...
Oh, good, more bio questions...
1. No.
2. Is there a question here? If so, I think the answer is yes. But you lost me.
3. It's possible. Though it could be the other way around, you know?