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equation writes...

yes, it's me again...

just another bio (actually physiology) question, concerning another one of my interests, biomechanics...

I was wondering if you, or any member of the team that did the series ever made an attempt to create a representation of the gargoyle skeletal structure... I thought it might be a possibility considering that it would make certain aspects of their animation easier... I have been trying to figure out this little problem myself, and am somewhat stumped as to how the wing arms integrate with the rest of their upper body structure... considering the general similarity to the torso structure of humans (from the way they are drawn, it can be inferred that the muscular and skeletal structures of humans and gargs are almost identical, with the main difference being the presence of the wing arms, and the different number of digits on the hands and feet), there doesnt seem to be a lot of space for their bones and connective tissues to fit -- this is obviously the main reason for their inability to actually fly, as the wing muscles cant be attached similarly to birds... from the artwork I have seen which shows the back area (admittedly not much does), would it be a reasonable assumption that the wing arms have their own 'collar' bones and 'shoulder' blades, independent (or mostly so) from the main arms?


Greg responds...

I don't know. But it works.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000