A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Um, one more gargoyle science question that I am stumped on; what the heck is this 'earth rythms' stuff? How are gargoyles insync to that?
And, do gargoyles generally need to - uh, well, how to put this as carefully as possible . . . Do gargoyles need to excreete waste like we do? Or is most of that done through stone hybernation? I seem to recall a similar question being asked eons ago, but I couldn't really find an answer.
I've been dodging answering that question frankly.
As for the earth rhythms, what I'm positing is that the Earth has a certain bio-rhythm to it. Something that's part of nature as a whole. Something that we humans are generally too dense too get. But the Gargoyles' life-cycles are attuned to the cycles of the planet.