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grrr, because anonymous had to bring it up again i thought i should once more say that i seriously doubt gargoyles evolved from dinosaurs, maybe they had a common ancestors or something, but it seems really unlikely that gargs are saurian descendants. i mean, look at the English gargs! they don't look anything like dinosaurs or even reptiles. i think its more likely that the English gargs evolved from lions, horses, and birds then other gargs evolving from dinosaurs, and Greg has said that they didn't. i think Gargs are so different from most higher life forms of life that the gargate family seperated from the rest of the animal kingdom far back in history, before dinosaurs, maybe even before reptiles!
sorry, i had to rant about that again...
"Why do the little things always frustrate me!" -Demona
geeeez, Greg, do YOU think gargs evolved from dinosaurs? i know you're not a biologist, but what do you think?
I know what gargs evolved from; I'm just not telling at this point. If you go back far enough, then all biological life evolved from the same basic source on this planet. Where and when gargates diverged is the issue. In a general sense, one could argue that it took place at a time of dinosaurs. But it depends on how you define the word dinosaur. As it is commonly used, as a catch-all term? Or scientifically?