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The Phoenix Gate

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Anonymous writes...

1. Will Puck ever remove the humanity spell on Demona? 2. Would it be possible
to change history, with the aid of the Phoenix Gate,besides the occourences in Vows? 3. What happened to Demona and Macbeth in WW1, The English Civil War, the War of the Roses etc. and who did they side with (if anyone).
Apart from those mentioned are there any other battles that they involved themselves in? 4. Would Castaway ever change his views on the Gargoyles, and would he ever suceed in killing one? 5. Is the Quarrymen assosiation legal?

Greg responds...

1. No.
2. No.
3. I'm not going to make novel-length responses in this format.
4. Maybe.
5. The association is legal. Not all their activities are.