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The Phoenix Gate

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Adam writes...

Just a comment on your ramblings about episode 5. My brtother is in the army and has fired LAW (Light Anti-Tank Rounds) in practice. He told that his intructor informed him as to the necessity of always pointuing the weapon up. Should it go off while pointed at the gound, the resulting shrapnel from the round alone, would shread everything within a five foot radius. Modern bazookas are designed to cut through up to 400 mm of composite tank armor.

What all of this means is that you'd be picking up pieces of both Goliath and Demona had Elisa not intervened. All though I suppose Demona's pieces would still be alive. Talk about going over the deep end!! But then Demona was never one tho think ahead when she's angry.

Greg responds...


But I'm not sure Demona's "bazooka" is the same thing your brother uses. (Notice "bazooka" is in quotes.)

Response recorded on April 05, 2000