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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg! Thanks for all the great effort you've put into Gargoyles and answering our questions. Each question has some long and excessive comments with it, but I only need an broad answer for each section. (1) Did the Magus live in the castle with Katherine and Tom? (2)If so, did he isolate himself away from the two and the clan? We saw him in Avalon II eating with them, but he didn't seem very invovled and may have been just visiting. (3) Why didn't Katherine and Tom have any offspring? (4) Did they know how the Magus felt about Katherine and worry about his discomfort, (5) were they genetically incompatible, (6) was having children something they didn't mutually agree upon, or something completely different? Perhaps some sort of mix. Hmm...
(7) One last question, though very odd and may link itself to the previous question. Could Katherine and Tom have children, through science or sorcery someday? I'm not asking if you think it is possible, through magic or genetics, but if it is something that might be considered for Gargoyles in the future (optimistic, I am), not regarding individual beliefs and viewpoints. (If this part seems like an original idea, please dispose of it, Gore, so I can get some answers I'm waiting for. Edit it as you see fit or just pass it to the Master). Thanks a Bundle for your time.

Greg responds...

I added numbers to your questions to make everyone's lives easier. PLEASE EVERYONE, if you're going to ask multiple questions in a single post, do NOT just list the questions as prose. Number them and use your return key between each question. THANKS.
1. I assume we're talking about Oberon's Palace in "Avalon" and not Castle Wyvern in "Awakening". If so, the answer is yes.
2. "Isolate" is too strong a word. He was an active third parent to the gargoyles, but he did give T&K their space, for his own sake more than theirs.
3. There's a story in that.
4. I think deep down Katharine must have known how the Magus felt. I don't think any of the three of them ever acknowledged it out loud. It had no influence on why they didn't have children.
5. No.
6. I'm not prepared to go into this in anymore detail at this time.
7. Gore probably should have kicked this whole post. (He's not allowed to edit questions, just kick posts or forward them.) But he didn't, so I'm stuck with having seen it. Raymond, you knew question 7 was an idea when you posted it. YOU KNEW. You did it anyway. Please don't do that kind of thing again. Fortunately, I have no intention of giving Katharine and Tom any more children. Remember they've already raised thirty-six children. They've earned a bit of rest.