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hey greg,
since halloween is coming soon, i've decided to make a grimorum for my costume and put some of the spells in it. But besides that, i'm curios. were and how exactly did you come up with the latin spells and poems? did you bring a latin team in to make all the spells? Who thought up the poems? Did they actually get some of the latin spells actually from old spell books that you might have heard about?
It's been a long time, and I know I've answered this question before, so you may want to check the archives for a response that was made when events were fresher in my memory.
But briefly -- no, of course, we didn't take the spells from real spell books. We made up the spells in English and then my story editors went to various sources for a translation. From what I've been told since, our sources were not that great, and there are mistakes in the Latin for almost every spell ripped from the Grimorum. Deslagrate for Deflagrate, I think was one example of an error.
(As far as I know, the Hebrew spells from "GOLEM" were correct. Not in a magic sense, but in a translation sense. Hebrew, being an ancient but still living language, was easier going for an accurate translation.)
We had better luck with the spells of the Children of Oberon, which could be in English, as long as they rhymed. Some of the rhymes are pathetic -- but even that adds to the fun, I think. As for who came up with them, it was either the writer on the individual episode, the story editor or me. (Or some combination.)
Speaking of magic spells, let me cast one on all of you...
That's right, we're bearing down on the Seventh Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles. This year's convention dedicated to the GARGOYLES series is taking place where it all began -- in MANHATTAN -- home of Goliath's Clan. The con staff is planning a fantastic event... and announced guests include Thom Adcox, the voice of Lexington, Character Designer Greg Guler and yours truly.
If you've been to the Gathering before, you know just what a blast it can be. And if you've never been -- here's your shot. I've mentioned this before, but if you'd like to see Gargoyles return in some way, shape or form, the single best thing you can do is to attend this con. Tell your friends. Bring your family. Come to Manhattan and glide along with us...
Check out the info at
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