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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

HIEE! its me, Kelly, from the gathering. (the one "with the great voice") ANYWAYS ive been reading the archives since i got BACK from g2k and noticed that some got cut off at the bottom from way back when *pokes gorebash* so i dont know if this has been asked. and i may eventually find the answer in those long... loooOooOooOnnnNnNgg archives, but:

we see what elisa looks like garg-ified and fox odin-ified.. how do you picture yourself (either way) as an altar ego? or do you have an altar ego? or is each of the characters in some way an altar ego?

Greg responds...

Yeah, they're all me. And none of them are. Spike once drew a very cool me-as-Goliath picture. But I don't view myself that way.

I have alters, I guess, for Star Trek and even a few things that I've created. (Particularly things that I created as a kid.)

But with Gargoyles, the whole thing is me. Sorta.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000