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Quite some time ago you told us some of the religions of the humans and you asked whether you'd missed anyone. No-one major, but I was just wondering if you've given any thought in the religions of the following people:
1)Margot Yale
3)Officer Morgan
4)Fara Maku
7)The Emir
8)Travis Marshall?
I know most of these are very minor characters and that you probably haven't given any thought into them, but I was just wondering.
1. Wasp.
2. Wasp.
3. I'm not sure. Christian of some denomination.
4. He practices the ancient religion of his people.
5. Is this Tea? I don't think she practices anything.
6. I'm not sure who you mean?
7. I'm sure he was Muslim originally. He's dead now.
8. I think he probably comes from a Protestant background, but I don't see him as being very religious now. Godless media and all that.