A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hey Greg, whats up?
The other night I was watching Gargoyles on Toon Disny as I usually do and reading Wizard:the Coics Magizine as I usually do. I was reading an article on the 80s Nostolga Boom currently happening In comics. Thats when my wee little mind put two and two together and asked my self, why not a gargoyles Comic? I investigated a bit and discovered that Marvel had allready published 11 issues of an illfated comic series based on Gargoyles. And A few questions arose.
*Dose this comic take place in the same continuity as the show?In other words is it Canon?
*Did you, Greg, wright it?
*Were there any second printings or Trade Paperback collections of this series? If not, will there ever be?
*And finally, if you could never get Gargoyles or a related show back on the air, would you take the rest of the story into comics?
Greg I think you did a great Job with the show and it is easily my favorite dramatic animated show.
ps. In a totally un related question, will the show every get released in its entirety on video or DVD?
*It isn't canon, though they tried (with a little kibbitzing from me) to be as consistent as possible.
*I did not write what was published, though I was scheduled to take over the writing chores on the book, just before it was cancelled. I even wrote an issue that was never published.
*I don't think there were. I never saw them. I doubt Marvel is contemplating that.
*I'd love to if someone was interested in paying Disney for the license to publish it.
*The first season is coming out on DVD THIS YEAR. Whether or not the rest comes out will depend on the sales of the first DVD.