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After Avalon, you drop four strong characters (Hundson and company) and their stories so that you can introduce Angela, get rid of the eye and the gate, and to change Goliath's view of Angela as a clan member to Angela as a duaghter, do you feel that this could have been done without devoting 22 episodes to the World Tour.
Again, Alaxk, you're question reveals your opinion. Next time just state it.
For starters, I reject the premise of your question. I didn't see any of what we did as any kind of trade-off.
I didn't even know I was going to get rid of the Eye and the Gate when I first planned the tour. And we didn't drop four characters. We dedicated two and a half episodes to them. That may not have been enough for your tastes, and I wouldn't have minded doing more episodes with them, but I only had a limited order. So at any given moment I used the best stories in my arsenal.
What the World Tour was really about was a conscious expansion of the Gargoyles Universe, both in character, chronology, territory, science and mythology. I couldn't have done that without "devoting 22 episodes to the World Tour" and I have no regrets, as I think we succeeded in reaching our expansionist goal.
And I liked the World Tour. Did then. Do now. I don't regret a single episode. I think they were all important to the tapestry. So if you're looking for me to admit I screwed up you're barking up the wrong tree. Cuz I don't think I did.
Again, you'd be better off simply stating your opinion then trying to prod me into doing it for you.