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Robin Wynn writes...

Hi Greg!
I figured I'd take this time just to state my opinions on the Avalon episodes. Especially since so many people seem to have disliked them (mostly I finally decided to do this after reading Alaxk's negative posts). I, on the other hand, LOVED them. I mean, I had wondered about other gargoyles living in the world, and it had already occured to me (before all the Avalon stuff) that unless the other gargs found some reason to come to New York, (and that seemed unlikely, seeing as mostly the gargs were unknown, and that gargoyles would want to stay at their homes to protect them) we would never see them, because our gargs certainly didn't seem to be going anywhere. The Avalon eps. were the perfect opportunity.

The Avalon eps. accomplished a lot of stuff that otherwise never could have been touched in the normal series. Also, as far as the quality of the show, if anything, i think it went up. From episode to episode you never knew what was going to happen. When would Goliath get home? Would Angela find a place to stay along the way, or would she follow them all the way to Manhattan(yeah..I actually wondered that for awhile)? What was happening back home?(which my only complaint would have to be that you didn't manage to do very many eps on this issue. Though i think you said that you had planned for one) Plus, though I'll admit a couple of the eps weren't that great, and maybe one or two that were, in my opinion, a little corny(ie Vendettas), but those eps existed in the series even before Avalon (ie. A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time, Silver Falcon, Protection, etc.), Most of the episodes were really good! (IE. Shadows of the Past, Future Tense, MIA, Grief, Bushido, etc.)

...ok...lets see..did I leave anything out...I think I've sorta lost my train of thought....what was I talking about?....

Greg responds...

You did o.k. (I kinda lost you there near the end too, though.)

Thanks. Look it worked for some people. Didn't for others. But I did the stories I wanted to do. Had to trust my instincts.

Response recorded on March 22, 2000