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Here's something I've been wondering for a long time, Greg. You see, my native language is Spanish, so I started taping the show in Spanish, then in English. I've got several questions about the translations of the names and all, but I'll stick to the questions I need an answer for.
In the episode "Mark of the Panther," or "La Marca de la Pantera" as the case would be, there's Tea and Faramaku. Well, in the Spanish translation, she calls him "father," and in English, "love." Well, I'm pretty sure that you wanted them to be daughter and father to reflect Goliath and Angela's feelings, but in that last scene, they hug each other so tightly, and talk to each other about love and all, that it's hard to tell whether they're related or not.
Sorry if I spelled the names wrong, but they're always changing them in Spanish. And I do mean always. Like "New Olympus" and "Nueva Olimpia," "Goliath" and "Goliat," "The Pack" and "La Manada".. little details that are hard to keep track of. But hey, I try. ;)
Thanks for your time, Greg. :)
No. Fara Maku and Tea are not father and daughter. If the Spanish Translation suggested that to you, it was a mistake. They were boyfriend and girlfriend.
Personally, I'm lousy at languages, but they fascinate me.