A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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1) What was it that allowed Sevarius to discover the LNM(Loch Ness Monster) when so many other people have failed? Chance? Better equipment?
2) Who funded his expedition?
3) What were his main purposes for finding the LNM?
4) By the time of the Future Gargoyles Series, whenever it is set now, would the world know about the LNM publicly? Meaning would they have been discovered and even slightly studied by the scientific public post-Sevarius..
5) Do any of the fae seen on the show know about the survival of the LNM?
6) Does the Illuminati know?
7) Does Xanatos?
8) Does Demona?
1. Better equipment and a bit of luck.
2. Xanatos.
3. What he said in the episode. Genetic field day.
4. I hope not.
5. Probably.
6. Probably.
7. He does now.
8. Does it matter?