A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Just thought you might like to know that Toon Disney channel ran a marathon of each and every Gargoyles episode [Minus the Goliath Chronicles. :) ] on Friday the 13th of October from 7 at night to 5 the next morning. I was rather pleased and astonished to see this! Either this was a completely Halloween theme and they needed some appropriate cartoons, or we might actually be getting through to Disney through fan writing and letting them know that YES, we want this show back on the air! Either way it was pretty cool to see Gargoyles all in a row for a page on the T.V. Guide.
A few questions! {A}What exactly did Raven want Queen Florence Island for? {B}Was it his nature as a trickster to oppose Grandmother? {C}What was he going to do with it if he succeded?
Everyone should e-mail and/or snail mail Toon Disney to say thank you. Did they air "Deadly Force"?
A. His domain.
B. More the other way around.
C. Party!