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Zarok writes...

Hi Greg
I have a few questions regarding gargoyles 2198…

1) You once said that CGI would be ideal for 2198, care to elaborate. Do you feel that certain visual aspects would be best represent in GCI or do you figure people will naturally equate aliens and such with CGI.
2) A lot of the plot lines in 2198 seems to depend on the viewer being familiar with the original Gargoyles series and would be near incomprehensible to a new viewer. I mean how would you explain stuff like the Owen/Puck and Alexander IV relationship without regurgitating a complex and confusing back-story. (I know it doesn't seem confusing when you actually watch the show but it's not the sort of thing you can relate in a few minutes of exposition). So have you given any thought on how you would bring a new viewer up to speed?

Greg responds...

1. The subject matter of the show, being more science fiction driven than fantasy, suggests to me that the things that are relatively easy in CGI animation -- as opposed to the things that are difficult and therefore expensive in both dollars and man-hours -- would be high-lighted more than in the old series. I'd be happy to do 2198 in either CGI or cell or a combo. Frankly, whatever I could get. But to the extent the show has been developed, it was developed so that CGI would be an economically feasible option.

2. Yes. Mostly, by taking nothing for granted. Let me use Owen as an example. New viewers meet Owen for the first time, perhaps in a scene talking to Alexander. They don't know about Puck. They don't need to know about Puck. He's simply Xanatos' advisor. (Does this scenario sound familiar to anyone?) After Xanatos' abduction from Earth, Owen can't change into Puck. Since he can't change he doesn't. Since he can't and doesn't, he doesn't talk about it, because it's a non-issue. So no new viewers are confused. Sure the old viewers know that this guy is Puck, but hopefully they'll understand why he cannot change (i.e. he can only change to teach or protect Alex. He's already failed in the latter and Alex isn't around for the former, so he cannot change). Their (inside) knowledge hopefully enhances their viewing pleasure. They understand Owen's frustration and its ramifications more. But there's nothing to distract the audience that is new to the Gargoyles Universe -- until we are ready to reveal things anew.

Does that help?

Response recorded on January 16, 2004