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Johnner writes...

While reading a book of "Unsolved Mysteries" today I came across the case where two English girls back in the early years of the 20th century made hoax photos of "fairies" supposedly living in Cottingley.

Many decades later they made an odd confession about how the photos were faked but they (at least one of them) *had* seen fairies...and the other had recently had some kind of supernatural experience so she believed her...and faked the photos so adults would take it seriously...anyway *realizes I'm rambling*...I was just wondering if in the "Gargoyles" series this would've ever turned up eventually...as the show seemed to draw on such supposed real-life strange events in addition to the legends & myths.

As I recall Conan Doyle was one of the believers in the photos...which brought up another question in my mind...did you ever have plans to integrate literary characters like Sherlock Holmes into the Gargoyles series?

Greg responds...

Characters NOT in the public domain were obviously off limits.

Characters IN the public domain would have been handled on a case-by-case basis. Some might have remained fictional. Others would most certainly have been as real as Arthur Pendragon.

I'm personally not convinced those kids did fake those fairy photos. I think they were pressured into saying that they had. (They're names were never supposed to be revealed to the press. When they were, a huge amount of publicity made their lives VERY difficult.)

Response recorded on August 15, 2001