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Todd Jensen writes...

You mentioned having seen one episode of "X-Men: Evolution". Just out of curiosity, which one was it, and what did you think of it?

Greg responds...

That was a while ago now. It's very vague in my memory. There was a lot of back and forth with Quicksilver -- who winds up in charge of the bad guys, I believe.

There was an attempt by the bad guys to break into a prison transport truck. Rogue and Sprite (Shadowcat?), I believe, try to stop it. The humans have an opportunity at the end to attack the heroines, but one of the humans recognizes the fact that Rogue and Sprite were trying to help.

Or something like that.

It didn't really stick in my head too well.

I'm also a bit vague on the set-up. The kids go to normal school and mutant school?

Anyway, there's a lot to recommend, but the truth is I burnt out on X-titles a long time ago.

Response recorded on March 12, 2003