A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hey Greg,
How are you?
I'm well, as of today.
I was checking out web sites that had anything to do with Gargoyles and I found one that actually said that Gargoyles is a show that promotes demonology! I'm thinking, 'Whoa! Hold on there.' So, I figured I'd invite this boy/girl or whatever to one of the Gatherings or flame him/her/whatever.
But in all do respect I didn't flame them. I couldn't find the e-mail address. Apparently, I wasn't the only one that wanted to flame them.
Anyway, question, Why did you create Gargoyles? I'm pretty sure that it was not to promote demonology.
See ya, The Cat.
I'm well, as of today too.
Safe bet that anyone who thought that about the series never watched it. I don't actually know much about demonology. Or anything other than the obvious linguistic fact that it's the study of demons.