A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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1) Is Zaphiro from GARGOYLES 2198 the same age as Samson and Delilah? I think he is, but you never said for sure.
2) Will the ORIGINAL Alexander Fox still be alive in 2198?
3) Besides Coyote X, will any members of the Pack (or Super Pack) appear in Gargoyles 2198?
4) What is the environmental state of Earth by 2158? Now that the revamping is over.
5) Would any descendants of the London clan be major characters in 2158? For that matter, would any descendants of any of the clans we've seen so far be major characters? Besides Zafiro. Now that the revamping is over.
6) Will any of Gabriel & Ophelia's children appear in GARGOYLES 2198?
7) Before who is the leader of the Manhattan clan in 2197 (a year before 2198).
1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Not saying.
4. By 2158? Why that year? By 2198, it's not a disaster, but there are still dangers.
5. Are these 2158s typos, or are you making some distinction I'm not getting? I've already mentioned the MAJOR characters in the contest results. Those ARE the MAJOR characters. Minor characters will come from all over.
6. Not saying.
7. The same guy who was leader in 2198 until he was captured in March.