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Anonymous writes...

1. Which is your favorite character? Mine is Brooklyn. 2. What made you decide that Angela would choose Broadway as her mate. I think that she and Brooklyn would have made a better couple. 3. It seems that Brooklyn is always getting the short end of the stick. First Demona tricks him. He loses Maggie to Talon. He's forced into leadership and then he loses Angela. Why are you doing this to him? 4. I never got to see the third season. Where could I get copies of it?

Greg responds...

1. I've answered this one too. The short answer is Goliath, but they're all my children, and I love them all.
2. I've answered this too, but see below.
3. Faulty assumptions. Who doesn't get the short end of the stick sometimes? Lex? Goliath? Broadway? Demona tricked Brooklyn. Goliath lost his clan and castle. The Pack tried to kill Lex. Broadway shot Elisa accidentally. Bad stuff happens. Particularly to cartoon characters.
Was Brooklyn "forced" into leadership? I suppose you could look at it that way, but don't forget he WANTED it. It's a lot of responibility, but even now, I don't think he'd give up being Goliath's Second-In-Command gladly.
And Brooklyn never lost Maggie or Angela. He never had them. Hell, he never KNEW them. He was in love with their looks, their seeming availability. He had crushes. Broadway, on the other hand, understood Angela inside and out -- her fears, her desires, her moods. He's a more sensitive guy. He sees inside people. Brooklyn doesn't. Or at least he didn't. When Brooklyn does truly fall in love for the first time, he'll know the difference immediately. It will be real, not superficial. It will be lasting.
Gargoyles mate for life. Brooklyn won't be an exception. He just hasn't met the right girl yet.
So when you ask me why I'm "doing" this to him, I don't know how to respond.
Either you go inside the show and realize that this is his life. He has to go through the bad stuff in order to learn enough to appreciate the good. Or you remain outside the show and realize that this is storytelling. We put characters through paces. We challenge them. We watch them overcome odds.
If everyone's lives were always perfect, it would make for boring television.
4. I have no idea. Sorry.