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this is something of a five-part question...
1> outside of "star crossed" what were the other episodes of Buzz Lightyear that you wrote?
2>in the clone episode, was X-treme supposed to be a hidden jab at the max steel franchise or just a shot at the gratuitous use of the term in marketing anything these days?
3> do you know if there's going to be any new episodes?
4> is there something more to XR hitting on Mira or is it strictly comedy relief?
and finally
5> where's my robot?
1. "Clone Rangers".
2. The latter, sort of. More of a reference than a jab. I hadn't started on Max when I did "Clone Rangers".
3. I don't know.
4. I suppose the latter, though I wasn't intimately involved in this series. I just freelanced two episodes. I'm not an authority.
5. I don't know. In your pants?