A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Greetings all I never post and most likely never will again. I do though, enjoy this site tremendously. Greg what you are doing here is nothing less than saintly. I love to read the posts submitted by everyone, I must say you all are kindrid brothers in spirit.
I though pride myself as a Master Debator even if I am not the one debating. I want to know Greg and from all:
Greg: is there any questions you felt would have been asked that never were, here at ask greg?
Everyone who do you think is better in thier post deliveries-
Punchinello or Vanity ?
Demona Taina or Jim R ?
I would really love to see the responses.
1. Nope. Plenty of questions that I didn't expect, but no stone left unturned that I did expect.
2 & 3. I'm not going to even dignify this.