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Gargoyles 2198
Greg I have a question regarding "Gargoyles 2198", actually it's more of a comment, to be brutally honest it's a criticism.
Every time I read through the G2198 outline I am fascinated by the little glimpse I get of the new characters, Delilah's insecurities, Zafiro's spirituality and Guardian's embracing the Gargoyle way of life.
They all show great potential as characters, with one dubious exception
Samson has a 150 word long profile all to him self but do we get any of the same Character insight? No, instead we are merely told that he looks like Goliath and then are treated to a lot of speculation as to who his parents were. Even Brooklyn's dog gets more characterisation than Samson! What is even more distressing the fact that this is supposed to be the show's lead.
I'm sorry if this sounds like a rant because it really isn't. I'm sure you have lots of interesting character stuff in mind for Samson but none of that came across in the outline. I really think a great character should defined by their choices, personality and beliefs rather than their lineage, even if their lineage is as illustrious as Samson's. Don't you agree?
Totally. And it's very possible I got distracted by less important stuff in that document. Rest assured, Samson would be a strong lead character -- as strong and interesting and fascinating, etc. as I know how to make a character -- if I ever get the chance to do that series.