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I don't know if this question has been dealt with, but I looked through the archives and didn't see it so I thought I'd give it a whirl.
If one of the other Avalon gargoyles had gone with Goliath and Elisa instead of Angela, would Demona have felt the same way towards that gargoyle as she does towards Angela? I mean, Demona was raised traditionally, so she sould see all of the Eggs as her children, but does the biological aspect factor into why Demona's so fixated on Angela? Would she have reacted in just the same way to Ophelia, Gabriel or any of the others?
It's a fair question. And I think she would have reacted similarly with any of the "eggs"... but I do think that three factors gave Angela a little extra oomph for Demona.
1) Angela treated Demona as her mother. "I'm told there's a resemblance." The others might not have, without the bio-connection, given Demona's history.
2) Demona has spent a 1000 years around humans. Despite herself, some of it may have rubbed off.
3) Demona was not around to comunally raise the eggs. So she has less emotional connection to the other gargs then she normally would have had.
Ultimately, however, I think it still comes down to the same kind of thing that Diane Maza pointed out to Goliath in "Mark of the Panther": "[Angela] is the only one of your children with you."
Normally, I don't like hypotheticals, but this was a pretty good question.