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John writes...

Hi Greg,

Uh... I just tripped about this question/awnser... and it really got me thinking...

DTorline@aol.com writes...

Not a question, or a suggestion (really!), just a quick comment. For your example of What Not To Ask (point #2), you use "Asking if Demona tried to assassinate Hitler during World War II". I'd just like to say that based on my knowledge of Demona, she'd've been more likely to have been fighting on his side, assuming she was involved at all.

Greg responds...

No comment.


A REALLY strange thing... Demona, a person who hates humans with all her heart... but can she see behind this and see the maniacs behind it? Hm...

This would also considerate Demona to work with Terrorists just to kill humans randomly...

Frightening thing indeed...

However, I would be interrested in one particular thing: From your knowledge of her character, do you think Demona would be able to work together with such doomed forces??? After all this would help her in her, ergh, "quest", but then again, she HATES humans, so I (with a verry big I) think that she couldn't stand, ergh,... "working" with them...

THX for awnsering and taking the time.
CU, John

Greg responds...

I think Demona's behaviour has proven rife with inconsistencies.

Without getting specific, I could see her sitting out a conflict on the basis that if the humans are killing each other... GREAT!

I could also see her getting involved if she feared that one side was gaining too much power and might pose a threat to her at some point.

I could also see her getting involved "irrationally" because she has "poor impulse control".

And so on...

Response recorded on September 21, 2005