A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Ok, so I've been checking this place on and off for the last 7 years and only now have I bothered to ask a question. I figured that somebody would've asked it a lot earlier (I searched the archive plenty of times), so I guess it'll fall on my humble shoulders.
Are you ready? *drumroll*
What did Titania whisper to Fox in the end of the Garthering?
*rimshot!* Okay, okay, lame joke! For real this time!
1) When Puck decided to create Owen after seeing Vogel, how fast did that happen? I mean, did he met Vogel a Monday and by Friday Owen was already sending in his resume? Or did he wait a bit, do some type of research to sound more convincing? Did he even NEED to do research? Which brings me to another question...
2) Did Owen... or Puck, for that matter... ever went to college or its 16th century equivalent? I mean, 1000 years is a lot of time to horse around. Did he ever sign up in a comminuty college in a fit of boredom or something? I'm asking because it seems to me the Renard position required a lot of schooling. Puck is great con artist, but can you really bluff you way through a lab/a corporation for years and years? Seems you can't keep it up forever.
Yes, this is what has been nagging me for years until I finally cracked. Yay me, I guess.
Oh, so you DON'T want to know what Titania whispered. Cuz I was just about ready to tell...
1. I think there must have been a period of observation.
2. I doubt he went to community college. Magic allows for all sorts of short-cuts.