A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hi Greg I have a couple more questions. First off i was wondering if you've heard of TGS [The Gaygoyles Saga Site]?If so do the stories and Series Like Dark Ages,Pendragon,Timedancer,And Gargoyles Continuation actually follow your vision for the Gargoyle Universe? They do seem to have a lot of what your vision is for the series so are those stories what would have actually been had Disney not cancelled Gargoyles? Thanks for your time on all my questions.
Chris, instead of waiting two years for an answer, you could have checked the ASK GREG FAQ and discovered that, yes, I've HEARD of TGS, but I've never read any of it, so I have no idea whether they followed my vision or not...
In any case, I've had no involvement, and aside from tidbits I've dropped here at ASK GREG, the TGS staff could not have known what I had planned.