A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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I tried finding an answer to this question via search( a very handy tool on a site with this much info!) but could not, so I beg pardon if this issue has already been adressed and/or is trivial:
Since I rediscovered Gargoyles about a week ago (with ep.1 on Toon Disney)I have not missed an episode. Just yesterday I found out about the gathering and the DVD. I'm so excited! I'm trying to spread the word in everyway that I can, on all of my public internet locations and by word of mouth. To make it easy for people to acess the right information quickly, I would like to know if it would infringe any copyright laws/issues if I supplied a link to the What_You_Can_Do_To_Help video provided in the Gorebash's Gathering 2004 Archives.
Thanks for your time and efforts on the Gargoyles over the past ten years, I really hope to see this DVD take off!
I'm not sure what you're referring to, but I can't see how you providing a link to an existing website would be problematic. Go for it! (Assuming you're still hanging around to read this two years later.)