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Just cutting and pasting my entry from my livejournal about the con. To sum up though, I miss everyone and cannot wait for next year!!!!
Spent most of the day trying to get to level 20 on CIty of Heroes. lol
Last minute packing before I left. Shower and shave and out the door! I was supposed to hit Newark Airport by noon to meet up with my ride. For once the notoriously late one was on time!!! Got there at 11:52am, called Chris and found out they were late. LOL 3 hours later they showed and we began a looooooooong drive up to Montreal. The drive was actually uneventful for the most part. That is until we got to the border. Turns out the Canadian Border guards were "on strike". They're not actually on strike but they were being uberly slow. Ah well. Made it to the hotel and proceeded to pass out.
Woke up and 19 of us decided to mob a restaraunt for food. That was uber fun!! Made it back just in time for the voice acting seminar and the auditions. I was uber nervous but I still had the guts to try. Didn't care if I made it or not, I just wanted to make up for missing it last year. While I was in line Sapph showed up and let me know what room I was supposed to be in. After the audition she ran up to me franticly and said "Ethan! I need you!" No NOT like that! (Not that I wouldn't mind heh). She needed me to do the naration for the skit she was planning for the masquerade which I'll get to in a bit. We went to her room and practiced. After that were opening ceremonies which was a real treat for me since last year I missed them. Con quote for me was said here "Sign my grandma!". LOL!!!
I skipped the next couple events but for the life of me I can't remember what I did! lol Round 11pm was the blue-mug which was fun though oddly tame this year. Went out for dinner at some place called Le Marche which was sort of like a permanent street fair/cafeteria sort of place. Stayed up all night until about 8am before staggering back to the room and going into a coma.
Yet again woke up just when I needed to. Just in time to stumble to the registration desk and find out that I got a part!!! *happy dance* It was only a bit part but I got to be a villian which was MUCH fun. Like acting evil is a stretch for me. lol I only missed one cue which was when the coldness of the auditorium got to me really bad and for a second I just couldn't talk. I don't know if anyone caught that but we just kept going. Thing about that was that I didn't worry that it would just stall. I knew everyone else would just keep going. *shrugs* Anyway, after that me and a couple people went to an Irish pub down the street for a guiness. Walked in, sat down at the bar and told the (uber cute) bartender "Hi, yes we're tourists, no we don't know what's going on, and yes we will refrain from pretending we do." She got a big kick outta that. Made it back for the banquet. The food was great! The manager even surprised everyone by making special gargoyles menus!!! Missed the Q&A because I had to get ready for the masquerade but I don't mind that...
Shortly before the masquerade I realized something. We were pantomiming the opening to the show. This meant I was reading the lines from it. Kieth David's lines!!! With him sitting in front of me and judging us!! ACK!! lol I was quite a bit nervous but I franticly ranted about that for a while to get it outta my system and just went for it. I had an absolute blast! Sapph and Julie were amazing!! The worst part was that it was soooooooooo hard not to bust out laughing myself! :D
Afterwards there was kareoke and after being charged up from the masquerade I took the mike (which I forgot to turn on lol) and belted out "Another Irish Drinking Song" by Da Vinci's Notebook. I think people liked it. Wasn't bad since by that point my voice started dying. Ended up staying awake until 6am after a marathon conversation which, for me, is one of the highlights of the entire con.
Yet again woke up just in time. I was the model for the life drawing that day. It was fun except the room was INSANELY cold!!!! Went to the mug-a-guest with Kieth David afterwards and then wandered around trying not to be all depressed that people would be leaving soon. Heh Closing ceremonies were bittersweet but on the other hand it just get's me closer to next year's con and VEGAS!!!!
More stuff went on after closing ceremonies were over but I'm going to cut this here since I'm getting tired of typing. lol Still a lot of detail I left out of this as well but I'll add more later. Anyway, that's all for now!! *bampf*
I do appreciate people cutting and pasting their Gathering Journals to this spot. I know my responses aren't all that interesting, but it helps to have one location where I can point to for the powers that be.
Hope we've gotten a lot of G2006 journals, just for that reason.