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Excellent series!!! Just one question about the DVD.
Was the DVD content edited much?
I know the opening voiceover has gone (sadly - the openin sequence lacks something without it), but I could swear that, for example, there are other snippets missing.
For example....
"Princess Katherine: Captain! Captain! The Vikings, Captain! We are attacked!
Captain: It is worse than that, your Highness."
was originally
"Princess Katherine: Captain! Captain! The Vikings, Captain! We are attacked!
Captain: It is worse than that, your Highness. We are betrayed"
So am I imagining things?
Nothing has been cut.
There was no opening voice over in the first season. We didn't add that until Season Two. And yes, you are imagining things. The Captain never said "We are betrayed". (Since he was the betrayer, that line makes no sense.)