A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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As of today you have cleared 100 questions in about 3 months with 775 left to go. If you can maintain this pace, You could be current within a year! I know the likelyhood is low. I'm pretty sure that you have much less free time than the entire collective fanbase combined. And the more Q's you answer the more Q's we post. Here's hoping that you're much more caught up by the time you get to this one. Although I would prefer that you are way too busy to post because of all the gargoyles projects Disney is about to greenlight because us fans showed them what a cash cow they've been sitting on all these years. I have to tell you that the DVD itself is causing more Gargoyles awareness, at least in my corner of the universe. I've decloseted three of my friends who were secretly loving the show. They didn't really follow the show when it first aired, but they always watched it when they happened to find it. Now that they can come over to my place and watch the whole thing in order, they are full blown fans. Maybe now that the show has very likely generated some new word of mouth, NOW is the time to really market the show loud and clear. And not just on some obscure cable channels. Cardboard standees where ever DVDs are sold, Commercials that really tap the real target audience-- the Sci-fi croud! Ads durring Buffy, Stargate, Star Trek (of course), Justice Leauge, stuff like that. I'm not saying that Toon Disney isn't the right croud to Advertise to, But that's no where guys like my friends are going to see them. My friends dig dig stuff like the Matrix, Lord of the Rings, and Batman the Animated Series. Not stuff like Teamo Supremo and Filmore. Were there no focus groups? I understand that they didn't think that a large campaign was worth the gamble, but I'm pretty sure the same money could have been spent smarter. Ok. That whole thing turned into a rant. Thanks for loving the show enough to keep it alive in this way. And I wish you luck in whatever you end up doing by the time you read this.
Money could have been spent smarter? What money? The advertising budget for the Gargoyles DVD: ZERO. ZERO. Let me say it again: ZEEEEERRROOOOOO!!!!
Now, you can widen your eyes and get upset at Disney/Buena Vista Home Entertainment for spending nothing, or...
You can acknowledge that WE (me, backed by the fandom) convinced Disney/BVHE to take a chance on these releases. Told them that if they released them, we would come. That WE would SPREAD THE WORD. Had they known that an ad budget was required, they wouldn't have released the DVDs in the first place. It was ALWAYS up to us. And let's be honest, collectively (not individually) we dropped the ball. The first season DVD set sold well enough. The second season, volume one DVD set did not.
Look, I'm not saying I wouldn't have liked to have seen commercials in all the places you listed... but that was NEVER gonna happen. That's not churlish, that's simply the reality. It's on US, people. You want to see Season Two, Volume Two, you have to SPREAD THE WORD. Whatever it ONCE would have taken to convince BVHE to release the next set, we now have to achieve and substantially SURPASS. Because far from proving that there was a huge market, we proved to them that there wasn't. So now we have to get BVHE's attention all over again. (And it took me ten years to convince them the first time.)
I know this is depressing, for me as much as anyone, but HARD realities can be depressing sometimes.
Wow, mine turned into a rant too. Please know that this wasn't directed at anyone personally. As I've always stated, I don't expect people to spend money they don't have or that they need for essentials like food, shelter, education, etc. But if you're reading this you have internet access and that means you can help SPREAD THE WORD.