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Raye writes...

I've been watching the DVDs and have recently been intrigued by the characters of Claw and Fang, mainly because we don't really know *who* these characters actually are! They are introduced to the series with their human identities hidden (both in physical terms and by giving them aliases). These guys could be anyone! (Claw especially is full of potential considering he can't speak).

I know that asking you who they were in their human forms would be pointless, so I'll try to dodge that question with some others:

1. Will their true identities be important or some sort of plot-twist? (Like the Owen/Puck connection)

2. Did you know who they really are when the show started, or is it an opening in the overall story that you included so you could work on it later? (again, I compare with Owen/Puck; you've said that you didn't know at first that the two were one and the same, but realised the connection soon afterwards).

3. If one, or both of their true identities are important, have there been any hints in the course of the series in character dialogue or situation?

4. Were they approached for the experiment in the same way that Maggie was, or was there something different in how Doctor Sevarius enlisted them?

5. Was there a reason why you decided that Claw would not be able to speak? (that is, to keep his identity secret? Or were you just trying to save money on a voice actor!)

Thank you very much for any answers you give (or decide *not* to give, I know I may be treading on thin ice asking these questions!)

Greg responds...

1. Important, yes. Plot-twist, not really.

2. No, I know who they are now. But I didn't when "Metamorphosis" was scripted. Though I knew what direction I wanted to head with each.

3. Not really, actually.

4. More or less the same.

5. Two reasons: 1. economic as you noted, and 2. I genuinely thought it would make him a more interesting character.

Response recorded on January 22, 2007