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Anonymous writes...

I thought the new Gargoyles comic was going to be original stories. Why does it read like an adaptation of the first episode of the Goliath Chronicles?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

It's not a rehashing, it's quite consciously an adaptation -- though an adaptation that restores scenes that were cut from the televised version, cuts narration that was added to the episode (and not by me), reorders scenes back to the way I originally wrote it and adds some flashback material to help bring new readers up to speed. The main reason to do this was because I felt STRONGLY that I needed to find a good entry point into the universe for new fans and/or old fans who haven't been obsessively watching and rewatching the episodes for ten years. Also, I felt that this was a good story that deserved better treatment, and ALSO I felt that since I would finally be doing MY third season of the series in comic book form, I wanted to start it with the story that began that season.

Response recorded on January 23, 2007