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I want to know why disney doesn't make volume two for season two on dvd... I mean they already make enough money as is, and gargolyes is getting more popular now, i think they should start thinking about bringing back the t.v series!!!... I know disney says there is not enough sales for season two to make the second half of season two, but come on guys is money really the only thing u can think of? what about the fans? think for just once about the little guy...
Who exactly are you addressing this too?
Look, Disney isn't a charity, and I don't expect them to act like one. They are a company with stock holders (including me by the way) that expect them to make money. That is their responsibility. You can argue over what would make them the most money but not over whether or not that should be their goal.
The responsibility was ALWAYS ours to get out there and make sure sales were high. If I had gone to them and said "In order for this to work, you need to dedicate a large marketing budget to the project, and you need to be prepared to release all the episodes even if sales don't justify it," they would have looked at me like I was nuts... or called security.
Don't push this off on Disney. I might not be happy with all their decisions or feel that they did all they could to maximize Gargoyles success, but at the end of the day they gave us our shot and WE the fandom wasn't large enough and/or didn't spread the word effectively enough to get the release of Volume Two. That's just reality. Perhaps it's unpleasant reality, but no sense living in a fantasy world. (Pun intended.)
Having said all that, I don't think it's impossible that Volume Two will come out. I'm going to try again this month to get them to take a second look at the numbers. But I wouldn't hold my breath.